11 thoughts on “Christmas Magic

  1. Merry Christmas Ann Marie.

    I hope you had a wonderful few days off with friends and family surrounding you. I have a new memory that I wrote up for a different purpose that counts as a Christmas story in 2 small ways, but you might like it. It has the not so elegant title of, “Coffee Share 181228″which is just is just a sortable date encoding naming method I use at work.

    Here’s the link and I hope a smile for a young girl in our family.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for sharing your story! I enjoyed a few days in Manitou Springs with a dear friend over Christmas, and last night, I had an incredible evening with the family. I hope your holidays are joyful too.


      1. Wow – I hadn’t thought of MS for several years now. We moved in late 2000 leaving our favorite date venue behind. Is the Mona Lisa restaurant still there? Amazing fondue dinners.

        Thank you for re-sharing my story with your readers.

        Also today I realized that Dec finishes the year and most likely your weekly theme challenges. Too bad if yes. They were fun to try and meet. Do you have new stretch goals for us?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hiya – I did wonder about that (maybe she’s just being nice to the new guy) but the results were fun and I enjoyed sharing with your readers. When Ann Marie speaks, credibility (if not always ability) follows. I studied your work some and am a better writer and blogger for it. As long as you keep writing, I’ll remain a happy reader and hope you have an amazing 2019.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. So sorry to hear your ill
        For this big. I prescribe sushi with heavy washable. It wont do much against the bug but was it does to open jammed sinuses is life changing. Oh & bed rest – lots of bed rest. Hope you recover fully & quickly.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. a friend brought her famous green chili…lol…i am not a fan of sushi…although i have tried it, and i admit i liked it, the thought of raw fish still makes me feel rather squeamish.


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