Shopping Made Simple

Photo Courtesy of Josh Pepper @ Unsplash

Well, I took the plunge and finally just hit send! With some hesitation, call me old-fashioned, I finally decided to start shopping online. Now, I have ordered items online before, for the usual stuff like gifts, books, and personal items, like my Calista Tools Ion Hot Roller Set. Come to think of it, I have ordered quite a few things: doggy diapers (that’s another story), essential oils, clothes, vitamins, make up, school supplies, and oh my. Okay granted, I admit it; I shop online. But this is the first time that I have shopped for groceries and household necessities.

Today, while making my grocery list with much trepidation, I decided to look into Walmart’s two-day free shipping deal. Admittedly, Walmart is only about three miles from my home. But that’s not the point. The point is that I hate grocery shopping. It’s tedious, and it’s not fun. It takes time out of my busy schedule, and I usually run into folks that I haven’t visited with for a minute or two, and it becomes one long, busy afternoon. Then I tell myself while I am there that I should check out the latest Earth Spirit shoes because they are always so cute and comfortable. Then I shuffle over to the clothes department to see if they have any cute T-shirts. Next, I hit the toy department, the puppy aisle, the garden department, and the rows of sale items. And before you know it, my cart over floweth with items I really don’t need.

For once, I stuck to my list. It was easy to compare prices, and find the perfect deal. I bought laundry soap, toilet paper, deodorant, and non-perishable groceries. I did not purchase one impulse buy, not one! I spent 114. 84 cents on only the essentials, and I paid for my items with my rewards card which just sweetened the deal. And yes, once I completed my shopping, I “went” to my bank and paid off today’s spending on the reward’s card. After shopping, I didn’t have to stand in line or load my purchases into my car.

Now, I just have to sit back and wait until Wednesday when my order arrives on my front porch. Checked the weather, warm temps when I arrive home from work that day. My puppies will play while I put away my supplies. This will give me an extra hour to walk my babies and spend some time outdoors.

As I sit here musing about my sweet victory in the shopping department, I just realized I will now have time for the important shopping on my list: the antique shops in Florence, the shops with creative “Fixer Upper” style decor on Union, and the second hand furniture store on Platte! It’s the little things. Yep, I don’t know why I didn’t think of this before!

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